May 15, 2016

The Loveliest of Days

Every day is an adventure with my special little family. I never know what the day will bring, what challenges or victories might occur. I've learned to take each day as it comes, and I've learned to tell myself that every day is Mother's Day. But once a year Mother's Day arrives according to the calendar. For the past 3 years, for various reasons, Mother's Day has turned out to be a challenging day for me and my brood. So this year I approached with caution.... I didn't make any big plans ahead and didn't expect anything special.
This year I was blessed with the loveliest of Mother's Days! It turned out to be a low-key, relaxed, home made treasure kind of a day. What a joy!

The day started with a some lovely home made gifts!
An adorable photo collage from Phoenix
Rice Crispie Treats from Liam. He decorated it with a paver made from chocolate chips!!

And from Kaya, a beautifully made card. 
We spent the afternoon playing together in my mom's backyard, the children enjoying their time together while we had pizza and chocolate cake. The sun was shining... who could ask for more? 

My mother and I
Gramma's cherry tree
Mother & Daughter

That face!
The loveliest of days!!
Not every day ends up as wonderful as Mother's Day did this year. But I will try and remind myself each day that it is possible and that.....

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