(Click the links to open in a new window)
Canada AM - Raising Children With Autism
An interview on the national morning show Canada AM about my experience raising two boys with autism and my hopes for their treatment and future.
ADHD, OCD, autism: Is it time to redraw the boundaries separating childhood behavioural disorders?
A Globe & Mail article written by Wency Leung. This piece examines the POND research study and the classification of neurodevelopmental disorders. Input from my family is included.
What it’s like ... to be the mother of two autistic boys
A Globe & Mail article written by Wency Leung. This piece shares some of the insight that I've gained over the years, raising two boys with autism.
Single mom embraces 'life of triage' with autistic boys
A ten minute bio-video of our family's challenges and victories living with autism. Produced by Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and featured in the BLOOM Blog.
Dreams Take Flight Gala
Kaya was the Child Representative at the 2016 fundraising gala for Dreams Take Flight, a charity that sends special kids to Disneyworld for a day. She presented with Jennifer Valentyne and Peter Dycthiar.
This Sister is Solid Gold!
A great article featuring an interview with Kaya who discusses life as a sibling to two brothers with autism.
Making a tree is as fun as buying one, and more kid friendly!
BLOOM blog featuring one of our family's holiday strategies.
Liam and I spoke at a fundraiser for this important cause.
Online portal empowers families with children’s health information
A discussion about online medical management at Holland Bloorview.